How do I setup my miniature volcano shrimp (opae ula) tank part 2 of 4 ?

Wash and clean the item with clean water. Do not use any disk washing detergent or soap. 

This is to prevent any leftover chemicals from killing the volcano shrimp (opae ula).

Pour the bag of volcano shrimp into a clear container. I prefer clear container as I can put a piece of colour paper underneath. This way I can easily differentiate the shrimps.

bag of volcano shrimp

Remove as much water from the container as possible. We are going to prepare and add in new water a little at a time. This process is called drip acclimation.

volcano shrimp (opae ula) in small container

Open a bottle of distilled water and pour it into the measuring jar. I do not recommend tap water or mineral water due to chemicals in the water.

a bottle of 1.5 Litres distilled water cost around S$2.

Pour 1 Litre or 1000ml of distilled water into the measuring jar. 

Pour 1 Litre of distilled water into a measuring jar

1 litre or 1000ml mark

Pour 1 Litre of distilled water into the measuring jar

Take a spoonful of aquarium sea salt . Any brand of aquarium sea salt is fine.

Here I am using Red Sea salt. 

Take a spoonful of aquarium sea salt

For those of you who do not own a salinity refractometer or hydrometer, you can use a weighing scale to measure the amount of aquarium sea salt.

Weigh a spoonful of aquarium sea salt on a weighing scale

Weigh 15 gram of sea salt exactly.

15 gram of aquarium sea salt

Pour the salt into the measuring jar.

Mix 1 Litre of distilled water with 15 gram of  sea salt.

It will  give you 15 ppt (parts per thousand) of salinity.

It is also equivalent to a (specific gravity ) S.G. of 1.0113.

Mix 1000ml of distilled water with 15 gram of sea salt

To get the correct salinity of the salt water solution, all the salt must be completely dissolved. 

You must dissolve all the aquarium sea salt in the jar

Stir thoroughly to dissolve the aquarium sea salt.

Stir completely to dissolve the aquarium sea salt

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